Just a Few More Hours…


Tomorrow’s graduation! I can hardly believe that it’s here! That I’ve done an entire year of school and now it’s over. But I’m feeling very happy about it. I’m eager to start the incoming school year. And since for 7th grade I’ll also be at a new school, I asked mom to take me shopping a bit today after school. We were let out early anyway and most of the day was spent in an assembly for our graduating class. Lectures are done and over with so we got to relax.

My mom didn’t have a lot of time for shopping since she had to go back to work after she picked me up from school so we headed to our local Dollar Tree and I got to look around for a bit. They didn’t have a whole lot of back to school supplies yet unfortunately but I came across a mess of planner stickers and some washi tapes that I’ll be using for my notes as well as my planner. Here is what I bought…!

And two washi tapes. I wanted to buy more but I had a spending limit…


We do have two other Dollar Trees around so maybe if I get a chance I can go check those out and get a few more things for school. I was hoping to also get some makeup but I was a little embarrassed to ask mom for it while we were there today… I only ever get lip balm or Chapstick! I just don’t want mom to tease me or anything. -.-



Graduating 6th Grade… Finally!


     It’s thrilling thinking about finally being able to graduate from the 6th grade and moving onto 7th grade. It’s a big accomplishment for me to be able to walk on stage with the rest of my classmates because there was a chance I wasn’t going to have the grades for it. My reputation at this school since I started has always been the girl who gets the bad grades. I say “at this school” because for next year my family is moving to a new place so I’ll be starting 7th grade at a new school. Completely fresh! A new start, and I don’t want to bring along the reputation of “bad grade girl” into this school as well.

I want to be someone who also gets good grades, because I do have dreams of going on to college or university, and of course I won’t get in without being a good student. My brother Rob graduated from USC a couple weeks ago and is now going to be attending school in New York. When I went to his graduation, I was really fascinated by how nice the campus of USC is. It’s now like one of my dream schools!

So I’m all set to graduate this Thursday and immediately after that we are taking the weekend to move out of this house and into our new place. I’ll be doing summer school at Lenore Jr./Sr. High School to get a head start, and the first day of summer school is actually on Monday! So not so good vacation time for me… oh well. I want to make it fun and worth it so tomorrow, since school lets out earlier, mom is taking me to buy new school supplies. I’m kind of hoping for a new backpack but I don’t know if I can convince her. I think she’ll make me stick with the one I have for summer school and then just get me a new one when school starts again in August.

I can’t really say that I’ll miss friends at my old school because although I do have a lot of acquaintances here, I don’t have many people that are actually my “friends”. I have very few, maybe like two. But they don’t invite me to hang out on non-school days like they do with each other so I know that they don’t look at me as a close friend. Even though I hope that changes at my new school, it’s really not going to be my top priority. I’ll be focusing on improving my grades and just being a better student.

